Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New season for Cape Ann Fresh Catch fish CSA

Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Association/Cape Ann Fresh Catch
PO Box 831, Gloucester, MA 01930

The new season for Cape Ann Fresh Catch's fish CSA started today. And, oh what a fish did we get! When they ask if you want a big one, they mean it! Here's Brian, holding it up just before filleting it.

If you want in on the action, I believe they are still accepting new shareholders. Click here for sign-up information. If filleting isn't your idea of a fun meal preparation activity, don't worry, you're not alone. They added an option this season where you can pay a little extra and have your fish filleted for you.

However, if you go with the pre-filleted option, then you don't get to make fish stock for delicious chowders, or my new favorite thing to make with homemade fish stock: Thai soups (think tom kha gai and tom yum). I also have a bucket in the backyard that's cooking up some fish emulsion for the garden. This week I was too lazy to make stock (and the freezer was REALLY full, so no saving it for later--you see the size of that sucker!) so I threw the leftovers in a bucket with some leaves from my yard, a little unsulphured molasses, and some Epsom salts. In a few weeks I should have amazing fertilizer for my vegetable garden.

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