Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gibbet Hill Farm, Groton MA

Gibbet Hill Farm
6 Lowell Road, Groton MA 01450

I received an email last week about Gibbet Hill's new vegetable CSA. Wow--it seems like CSAs are popping up all over the place! When I first moved back to this area from my beloved Happy Valley, I was unable to find a vegetable CSA nearby (well, one that I wanted to join, anyway, but we won't go into that at the moment). Now it seems that there are three within biking distance of my house--I love it!

The deal with this new one is that last year, Gibbet Hill started growing produce to use in their restaurants. Apparently, it was a success, so now they are offering a 50-member vegetable CSA, starting this year. Here's a link to some information from their website. A cool thing about this CSA is that, since it's grown in conjunction with their restaurant, you may find some prepared items made with produce from the farm in your weekly share (think pickles).

Even if you don't join their CSA, definitely stop in for dinner, or at least drinks and appetizers. Two thumbs-up from me on this place.

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